Thursday, March 29, 2007

Common Sense

"Common Sense" in danger of extinction. Our society is rampant with ignorance in government downward. Nobody seems to use common sense any more in making important decisions. The Democrats are doing it just as some former ousted Republican morons. Democrats are hypocritical in their actions and words. Al Gore that whining old bore reaps benefits by business dealings that contribute to "Global Warming" while criticizing other businesses that he is not getting profits in return. The Democrats kept their big mouths shut when their boy "Bill" that former White House Renter fired about twenty nine prosecutors without any hoopla. He rent out the Lincoln bedroom for influencial guests. It makes me sick. Bush does about twenty less and the Dems criy worse than a baby that wants its mother's milk. Though the President and staff wants to give the bottled milk of information, the Dems want to seek their teeth into the very breast to inflict enough pain for political gain. The ousted Republicans caught taking money from unethical dealings and immoral actions toward interns were ignorant in thinking they could continue to get away with their actions. Democrats Like "Harry" can do wrong and get a free pass without suffering the wrath of their Party. The donkey is a very good reflection of their Party in my humble and free opinion. I DO VOTE. I am not Party blind. My vote goes for the persons that will best perform the duties of that offices for which they are running. Illegal immigrationnts are not entitled to all of the benefits of legal ones. Common sense says if you break the law that priviledges will severly be denied available to the law abiding citizens and immigrants. No. We want to blur that until ignorance overshadows the former. Those who break our laws get the same or better treatment than those who keep it. Just ignore their blatant violation of our immigration policy because of the jobs they perform. The majority of soldiers fighting for our freedoms believe in their cause. They had volunteered for service. Those who are complaining would kiss the terrorists bottoms than defend the rights of humanity to live in democrasy. Those soldiers should be treated as our nations royalty. They are giving their lives in their duty to this country. However, the few are blown up by the media as the majority against the very mission that they are dying to achieve. Our automakers are in trouble because the product they have put out is too expensive and lacks the quality of foreign competitors. Not all greed is good for our economy. The more that they received resulted in higher prices and more defects in production. Common sense was ignored by both sides. the consumer was being turned off by the US auto makers ever increasing prices. This is just one economic example in a long line of other ones . School staff members are still having sex with students after seeing the results of previous public examples. The former student that had held up a sign in public promoting illegal drug activity claims it was freedom of speech. Get real. Our society is going down into the cesspool of stupidity.


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